Friday, November 5, 2010

Canines for Security

Using canines to augment your security plan can be a great idea depending on your circumstances.   In this post I will cover a few things to think about when deciding if a dog is right for you, and I will also touch on a few breeds to help get you started.
When owning any pet, it is important that you ensure that you have the time, money, and ability to tend to its needs.  I suggest that after deciding on a particular dog, you check with your vet BEFORE you purchase it in order to find out all the ins and outs associating with your choice.  They will be able to tell you approximately how much you will have to spend yearly in vet bills for shots, check-ups, and preventative medicine (heartworm, flea and tick).  They will also be able to tell you any problems usually associated with your chosen breed (which you should already know from doing research) such as hip dysplasia.  You should also check with a few local dog training companies to see how much classes cost if you find that your pet needs some additional, professional guidance when it comes to behavior. 
Instead of re-inventing the wheel, the majority of the information that follows has been cited from  It covers basically the same information I intended to but I will add an “Employment” section at the end in order to cover some tips in actually employing your guard/watch dog.

"Throughout history one of the most popular ways to enhance home security has been through the usage of trained dogs. However, in choosing which to dog to guard your family or property you should way different options carefully, depending on your particular circumstances.

Family Watchdogs vs. Guard Dogs
One of the common misconceptions among dog owners is that watchdog is simply another name for guard dog. In essence, a watch dog acts as an alert, barking to warn occupants of approaching strangers. Many breeds of dogs, including miniatures such as Chihuahuas, may fit this role.
A guard dog, on the other hand, possesses the physical capability to render a would-be assailant incapable of harming the dog's owner either through restraint or injury.

Recommend Breeds as Guard Dogs
People wishing to adopt watch dogs or guard dogs should examine a number of factors before deciding which breed is best for them. Various breeds of dog naturally show different characteristics. These include:
A sense of the dog's territory
Resistance to counterattack
Tendency to protect the dog's adoptive family
Propensity to be properly trained

Aloofness to strangers is also regarded as a virtue because as aloof dogs are not swayed by superficial attempts at friendship. Although the dogs generally enjoy their role of protecting the entire property, a lone dog is also susceptible to attack from an armed intruder. The owner should note that a dog guards the family best within the house during hours when intrusion is most likely.
If a burglar is able to break into a house in an area which the guard dog outside cannot reach, the protection is moot.

Bull Mastiff - Many regard the Bull Mastiff as the ideal guard dog. These dogs are very strong, possessing a heavy amount of bulk and muscle. It is also an intelligent breed and highly alert, as well as very courageous. Despite its physical gifts and lack of fear, it is docile within a family environment, making it a good pet.

Doberman Pinscher - The Doberman Pinscher makes another fine guard dog. Like the bull mastiff, they are also strong, intelligent, alert, and fearless. However, they are also loyal and obedient to family. They are also quite fast runners and this characteristic may be advantageous for homeowners with large lots who need a guard dog that is able to reach a possible security breach quickly. Female Dobermans are thought to be more protective of family and more obedient, while males are more adept as finding solutions to problems.

Rottweiller - Rottweilers also serve well as guard dogs, possessing a combination of strength, confidence, and courage. They also show loyalty and a tendency to protect members of their adoptive families. Rottweillers tend to be aloof to strangers and are not swayed by superficial attempts at friendship.

Komodor - Not as well known as the other breeds, but another dog effective at providing guard duty is the Komodor. This dog is also powerfully built and courageous and was bred to guard flocks of sheep. It is loyal and faithful to its owner.

Puli - Pulis are very vigorous, active dogs originally bred as sheep dogs in Hungary. They make also good watchdogs as they have a suspicious nature.

Giant Schnauzer - The Giant Schnauzer is another strong and hardy dog that is also intelligent, alert, and courageous. They also adapt easily to training and are loyal. Thus, they also make good family pets.

German Shepherd - This breed retains a calm demeanor but is able to act when situations call for firmness or assistance, i.e., a good seeing-eye dog. It also retains a detached attitude that allows it to resist being swayed by superficial attempts at befriending.

Rhodesian Ridgeback - Rhodesian ridgebacks are strong and sturdy, fast dogs with even temperament. They are loyal to their owners but aloof to strangers.

Kuvasz - The Kuvasz represents another example of dogs fit for guard duty. It is a strongly muscled dog but also intelligent, loyal, and aloof to strangers. It is especially courageous and is even prone to self-sacrifice.

American Staffordshire Terrior - These dogs are strong and agile, as well as very courageous.

Chow Chow - Also strong and highly intelligent. The Chow Chow also does not automatically befriend strangers.

Belgian Sheepdog - These dogs are also strong, intelligent, courageous, alert, and devoted to their owners.

Belgian Malinois - The Belgian Malinois is strong and agile. It is typically aloof with strangers, but affectionate with its adoptive family.

Belgian Teruven - These dogs are also strong and agile. They are intelligent, courageous, and alert. They are protective of their owners.

Dogo Argentino - The Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff) is another strong, intelligent, and even-tempered breed with exceptionally powerful jaws. They also often make good family pets, but can be aggressive towards other dogs.

Tosa Inu - The Tosa Inu will fiercely guard family members, however it rarely barks and therefore does not present a proactive deterrent.

South-African Boerboel - This breed is also large and strong as well as intelligent and obedient. It is noted as a breed that will guard the home without fail, but will only become aggressive when necessary.

Neapolitan Mastiff and Bulldog - These dogs are also very large and strong, as well as imposing. It is loyal to its owner and even-tempered. It is aggressive when necessary.

Cane Corso - Also strong and intelligent as well as brave and loyal, the Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) also makes an excellent pet for the entire family.

Bouvier des Flandres - This dog is not as large as the mastiff or bulldog, but it is strong, intelligent, and alert, as well as even-tempered.

Thai Ridgebacks - The Thai Ridgeback is alert and attentive to its owner. However, it can be difficult to train and needs strong oversight from its owner.

Beauceron - The Beauceron is also strong, intelligent, couageous, and obedient although some will display a degree of independence.

Other dogs noted as suitable for guard duty include the Ca de Bou, Akita Inu, Fila Brasileiro, Ovcharka, and the Dogue de Bordeaux. Other factors that potential dog owners may wish to consider include gender and color. As a general rule, females of many breeds may be less aggressive, however more protective of family members.

Although a dog's color has no direct correlation to its physical gifts or temperament, a darker dog, especially a black one, appears more menacing to would-be intruders. Also if a room or yard is very dark, a dark-colored dog may be difficult for an intruder to discern and make the intruder more hesitant.
Some dogs, such as many kinds of Pit Bull Terrier and the Presa de Canario have been used extensively as guard dogs. However, controversy surrounding these dogs have led many to distance themselves from them. Some jurisdictions have banned the ownership of these dogs altogether.
It is important to note that dog attacks are not a common occurrence and much of the source of aggression in dogs stems from abuse and mistraining by the dogs' owners.

Recommended Breeds as Watchdogs
As stated above, watchdogs and guard dogs differ in that watch dogs only alert their owners when they see a stranger approaching. They neither attack nor attempt to restrain or injure would-be assailants or burglars.
Therefore, the list of recommended watchdogs includes many small breeds that bark liberally but afford no physical protection. They also compensate for a lack of physical prowess with excellent hearing.
Nevertheless, some guard dogs such as Rottweilers and German Shepherds also serve as good watchdogs and should be included in this list (Please reference text for these breeds in the Recommended Guard Dogs section above).Since it is mostly their barking ability that suits them as watchdogs, further explanations of their temperament are beyond the scope of this article.

Recommended breeds include
Scottish Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
Miniature Schnauzer
Yorkshire Terrier
Cairn Terrier
Airedale Terrier
Poodle (standard/miniature)
Boston Terrier
Shih Tzu
Silky Terrier
Smooth Fox Terrier
Wire Fox Terrier
Miniature Pinscher

Less likely, but possibly inclined to bark include the Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Welsh Corgi, Shetland Sheepdog, Lhasa Apso, Akita, Maltese Terrier, Pekingese, Boxer, Samoyed, English Springer Spaniel, Dalmatian, and Irish Setter.

Dogs to Avoid as Watch Dogs
Some of these dogs may very well make good pets, but their lack of inclination to bark makes them unfit for use as watchdogs. These include the Bloodhound, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard, Basset Hound, Bulldog, Old English Sheepdog, Clumber Spaniel, Irish Wolfhound, Scottish Deerhound, Pug, Siberian Husky, and Alaskan Malamute.

Care for Your Dog
The realization that you will be responsible for maintaining the well-being of your dog is an important factor when deciding to adopt one. It is important to remember that unlike other security measures such as lighting and fences, a dog is a living, breathing, feeling individual and thus requires and deserves attentive, serious care from its owner.
In addition, like any other investment, the care for your dog will ensure that it will provide you longer lasting security for you and your family.Also your dog will require special needs such as flea treatments and veterinary visits. Their size, demeanor, and disposition notwithstanding, almost every breed of dog requires companionship and love.
Most dogs require companionship and affection from the families and are eager to return it. Dogs not receiving such attention may be prone to psychological trauma. Like children, dogs do not come with instruction manuals. Prospective dog owners should consult experts on the care and well-being of their new dogs. They should also be aware that behavior for puppies will be different from that of full-grown dogs.
Fences are a concern for many dog owners. Those wishing to keep dogs on their property should erect fences high enough to disallow escape. When considering which kind of fence to buy consumers should remember that fences with high visual penetration allow outsiders to taunt dogs located inside the fence."


As stated above, if your dog can not get to an area in which an intruder has invaded then it is reduced to a simple watch dog, regardless of the breed.  Crating a puppy at night and while you are gone is common when training it, but if you are still crating it as an adult you have done nothing to enhance your security.  You must make your dog part of the family, giving it free rein of the house if it is to be effective.  Also, keeping your dog fenced in outside will not deter an intruder who wants to enter your home. 
If you are utilizing motion sensors in your home security system, keep in mind that you may have to decide on whether you want your alarm system protecting your house while you are away or your dog.  Most dogs over 40lbs. will trigger motion detectors.  One option may be to crate or restrict your dog’s movement while you are away, leaving your motion sensors on, then turning them off at night and allowing your dog to do the work.  It’s a personal choice. 
Never rely solely on your dog to protect your home.  Use it to warn you of an intruder and stall (if it is a guard dog) him/them while you gather your wits about you and implement your security plan.  Those added seconds could mean the difference.  

p.s.  One breed left out that I feel should be added is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka).  These are huge Molossers that are fiercely loyal and protective.  They tend to be more at home in the country or on land where they have freedom of movement.  Ideal for estate protection without groundskeepers unless the dog has been well socialized or knows the groundskeepers.  Below is a description:
"Caucasian Shepherds are typically assertive, brave, alert, strong, hardy and courageous to a fault. They are truly second to none in their bellicosity towards strangers. Unless properly socialized, they may exhibit unmanageable tendencies. They seldom have time for strangers (but will greet family friends warmly) and have extremely powerful guarding instincts. Everything and everyone who belongs to the family, including other dogs will be regarded by this dog as part of its family and as such will fall under its guardianship. Owing to their size and nature these dogs should not be left alone with children. Aggression toward unknown dogs should be expected unless the animal has been extensively socialized at an early age and even then some unwanted behaviors may occur." (Wikipedia)

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